Saturday, March 16, 2013

Beijing the Imperial Palace five one will be the implementation of measures to limit the flow vulnerability set a limit on the number of people

����The Imperial PalaceAfter multiple events, Shan Jixiang as the Imperial Palace Museum director. After his performance has been a whole year. Yesterday, the the Imperial Palace held a special meeting, Shan Jixiang for 150 minutes, then up at the beginning of the promise to introduce the work progress, and introduces the working train of thought of this year.

��The years the current-limiting measures

Last year "eleven", the number of visitors to the Imperial Palace to usher in blowout, day passenger traffic reached 182000 passengers, a daily passenger flow of the Imperial Palace history record.

On one side is the the Imperial Palace visitor number growing by 10% a year and continue to refresh the record passenger flow, the other side is overwhelmed by the cultural relics of the bearing and tourists all over the country ran the Imperial Palace "difficult to refuse such kindness".

The Imperial Palace reflection that, hard limiting is easy to cause the scene confusion, resulting in current limit is broken. But as the international practice and the trend in future, the Imperial PalaceTravelingThe peak period of flow policy will still insist on. So the time limit flow into the study of the column.

Yesterday, the Imperial Palace museum director Dan Jixiang introduced this year, the Imperial Palace five one, eleven will attempt to launch the current limiting scheme. The difference is, this time, the the Imperial Palace will be taken before "limiting measures tilt up ear public voice, hope that through the media to attract the public views and suggestions."

��>����һ">> > scheme

��LargeTravelingGroup forced online booking system

Dan Jixiang points out, forcibly limiting is not realistic, must have the corresponding national policy support. From the the Imperial Palace itself, he said is currently considering some restrictions, but has not yet formed a final scheme. Solutions include the Imperial Palace plans to take the peak date forcibly online booking for four or five more than ten large tour groups, but not the window ticket. Shan Jixiang said, this measure is mainly online booking, the Imperial Palace can limit the group approach time. Encourage the team before 10 o'clock in the morning, at one thirty in the afternoon after entering the the Imperial Palace, you can stagger the peak congestion period, in order to relieve congestion.

��>������">> > two

Set the maximum number of cultural relics and vulnerability

Another option is to consider is to choose the most crowded, relics of the most intensive and fragile "block", such as the current limit on Imperial Garden.

Shan Jixiang said, not the "block" and other fees, but will give limited space capacity, such as the capacity limit of 3000 people, once you get this number will stop into people, other viewers have to wait in line. Dan Jixiang said, to a certain extent, will definitely affect the tourists visit, some in the audience time, is possible only in the the Imperial Palace the Imperial Palace short stay, arrange alternative routes for the time traveller. Visitors such as that the waiting time is too long, can give up the spots, to choose other cruise lines.

To solve the contradiction of "carrying amount and the protection of cultural relics, way more than difficult, each of us a way out to get social understanding can only execute." Shan Jixiang said that through the media for limiting the opinions and suggestions, let the audience to visit, and to protect the cultural heritage of the world.

���� related

>����">To open up

The office out red

Dan Jixiang introduces, with intermediate northwest of the Imperial Palace, turrets and doors in Xihua, has been approved, all procedures have been completed. The site of stacking and building components processing now will be restored into a group of ancient science and technology used in real. The red walls within the 9 offices all move out of red. Red is no longer within the office of scientific research institutions, the night became management area closed.

The reporter saw a diagram of the design, the security technology used in housing will have a transparent visit the gallery in the future, the appointment of scientific research personnel, the audience can see both sides from the middle through, restoration of painting and calligraphy, jade, porcelain, bronzes repair, deepen their understanding of cultural relics collection. The present the Imperial Palace within the walls of business units are being moved, in March before the withdrawal of the red walls.

��This year "Dishangtiangong repair"

Dan Jixiang introduces, this year the Imperial Palace started restoration project Yanchi, Meridian Gate, the Meridian Gate in the future as the the Imperial Palace Museum of the living room. Dan Jixiang said, the past few heads of state of the team will be entering the Meridian Gate, the normal order of the Imperial Palace audience, understanding, view integrity has hurt. At present, the staff of the Imperial Palace can't drive through any open area, can only walk.

Dan Jixiang introduced, the Meridian Gate on both sides of the goose wing building originally collected 390000 pieces of cultural relics have been handed over, released after the Meridian Gate, the future and the goose wing building will be composed of a large Museum District, to become the world's the one and only "on the ground"". Keep the original appearance, which is the modern exhibition hall. Undertake major exhibitions around the world. The Imperial Palace 90 anniversary of the launch of a show, then officially opened the Yanchi floor.

����>��ȫ">> > Security

The Imperial Palace is the project of peace

Dan Jixiang introduced, the Imperial Palace will launch a series of major project peace the Imperial Palace. At present also in project.

Shan Jixiang said, peace the Imperial Palace series project, mainly includes 7 items: the Imperial Palace security system will be further upgraded; Institute of Tibetan cultural relics will upgrade the shockproof ability; a group of Institute of Tibetan cultural relics will be rescue technology repair protection; further improve the world heritage monitoring; infrastructure reconstruction; underground warehouse transformation; and the construction of the North Hospital area.

Among them, storeroom underground after the transformation will be first realized each warehouse individually adjustable temperature, humidity. North house area refers to the the Imperial Palace in Haidian, West China's base. Future to build a collection of cultural relics protection center, powerful, maintenance task to take on the Imperial Palace 1800000 pieces of cultural relics collection, repair, and other national museum collection maintenance tasks. Dan Jixiang said, at present the Imperial Palace of life appliance for ventilation condition is not good, not constant temperature and humidity is badly in need of repair. At the same time, the Imperial Palace, water, electricity, gas is not safe, the future will be in the collection of cultural relics protection center for conservation and restoration. (reporter Zhang Ran)

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