Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Ganzhou Yang Village: the first town, the southern gate of Jiangxi

Does not need the golden week or a long vacation, just an ordinary weekend; don't needSelf-drivingPrivate cars, just sit long-distance bus, you can come to a simple but not dazzling, not bad but enjoying the place: three days through hundreds of years. This is a"JiangxiSouth Gate, known as the "first town of South Jiangxi Longnan County Yang village.

RedTravelingSpring breeze across thousands of screen million peaks, finally blew into the region in 2012, "the central large posters about Soviet reform" can be seen everywhere. For the development of the tourism industry, removed the adobe houses, and even some seemingly dangerous old houses has be imperative. On the eastern, northern Guangdong, foreign tourist number Yang village recently. AsGuangzhouTour pal, don't go and it is a bit unreasonable. While still original, even the future transformation to lose one's beyond recognition, or is the icing on the cake can also find relief in: I have witnessed the history of Yang village.

����The flow of the market "Riverside Scene at Qingming festival"

Bus travel in almost all of the same colour of adobe houses in the streets and lanes, after countless left turn right turn at the station. Not far from there is an old bridge, Hashikami Hashi were filled with stalls. Commodity selling, more is a meat dish fruit. To buy and sell, forward or backward are crowded in not broad street, jostle each other, streams of people busily coming and going. In an adobe wall, there is a new advertising motorcycle red white, instead of a "Cultural Revolution" left by the slogan "long live the Great Proletarian Cultural revolution". The old woman's head, still wrapped in a thin, embroidery belt, these elegant Hakka culture ornaments, I think it will eventually disappear with the disappearance of the old generation.

The most typical of the new socialist countryside and harmonious: gloss, color and atmosphere.The most typical of the new socialist countryside and harmonious: gloss, color and atmosphere.

In ancient times in order to avoid the war, the Central Plains people fled south to live. To many people, Yamada Hama's Gannan, migration are stopped, settle down. After several generations of hard work, people get rich first built huge mud houses, large enough to let the tribe of the dozens of families, even hundreds of families who live. The house is what we call the house, the oldest has more than 400 years. With years of relentless efforts, these houses have only four walls, but most of them still be placed in jeopardy; although some embryonic form, but also has left; some still loyal to their duties, refuse to be cowed or submit to the shelter owner; but the best is the key protection object, in spite of all round, this ratio as the morning star. Yan Wing Wai is a.

Adobe house surrounded by yanyiwei, like zhongxinggongyue, such as stand head and shoulders above others.Adobe house surrounded by yanyiwei, like zhongxinggongyue, such as stand head and shoulders above others.

����Yanyiwei can cook wall

Yanyiwei front inscription tells us: this in 2001 was listed as national protect the cultural relics. No doubt, may benefit from its "tall", that is the tallest of all. The top of the front gate on the plaque hanging long, with three large thatch, means of yanyiwei rings. A heavy wooden door is wrapped in a thick layer of tin, the defense function is very good. The door and the door, about one metre away, respectively from two layers: the gate and door in door. Three plugging Wai shut the door, who forget. There is a hole, the outer plug on fellow said, that yearJapanThe devil to hit the door, the villagers out of this hole pour feces get rid of them. Then the devil wants to strengthen the defences and clear the fields method, forcing the people into submission, but they did not think of, was built around is made of brick wall with sweet potato powder, glutinous rice flour and egg white mud is associated with. Not only strong, can also be a reserve of food to cook and eat, and at least for the people to eat more than half a year. Now, there are still those Japanese machinegun bullet holes on the wall of the west. Yanyiwei slightly distant and two small round, it was three seat, a seat by the Japanese planes in 1938.

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