Friday, March 15, 2013

Go to the island to find their own the most real Taiwan

����Walk down

����The city's low-key

����TaiwanThe serious and organized them in city management has also formed a good experience, city buildings are not high, so almost no one to let the residents feel breathless repression. Also has the south of the Five Ridges arcade, the roadside is almost Street shop, a variety of convenient life include convenience stores, pharmacies, bank, restaurant full to the brim, and advertising signs also made some buildings, in addition to stay out of the windows and air conditioning, the other is a whole wall are billboards, advertising signs can be seen from the Taiwan business prosperity.

 Has been rated as the world's most beautiful subway of Kaohsiung MRT Formosa station, the station hall someone was playing the piano.Has been rated as the world's most beautiful subway of Kaohsiung MRT Formosa station, the station hall someone was playing the piano.

The streets are not wide, a one kilometer long road may have four or five traffic lights, because a lot of the road, but fully take care of the needs of pedestrians. As for the driver, there is no inconvenience, because as long as a green light, basically the whole road is green, you can pass. Immediately on both sides no parking, there will be no more for arbitrary vehicle sidewalk.

101 is the only offbeat, standing in the 101 building in the lounge, overlooking the clouds at the foot of flowing, and the wholeTaipeiThe city is quiet, even the flow of the lights and flashing neon are not many. Yes, this is not your imagination of so prosperous and agitation, while the motorcycle (known in Taiwan locomotive) was roaring over almost never stop, but will not make you feel dirty and disorderly mess.

If you see a small street shop in which one after another falling roll gate, pedestrians on the road also does not see more, it is not because of a depression, it is because that day is Sunday. Taiwanese leisure and contentment is also reflected here. So when we use the G oogle map repeated search for a bottle of almost only the local people know the fermented bean curd, they leave; when we catch the bus, high-speed rail, MRT, and then take a taxi for a bowl of all recommended lard meal, they did not open the door do business; when we two in the afternoon, the recruitment slobber came to the gate open snack shop like a cage steamed jiaozi tuna, time and again to also can not find the boss again, estimation is to take a nap to.

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