Thursday, March 14, 2013

Hangzhou West Lake resigned from sewage straight row of official said that because of the sewage pipe network overload

In new networkHangzhouOn 27 February, (reporter Zhao Xiaoyan) go inWest LakeThe Yang Gongdi, on both sides of the road a wild profusion of vegetation of cedar, from time to time that bursts of birdsong, overlooking is the beauty of the scene in West Lake, the dumping of countless tourists. However, these days, walking in the Yang Gongdi, from time to time from the stench, to spoil sb.'s enthusiasm, but also many tourists appetite.

West Lake sewage poolWest Lake sewage pool

����West Lake scenic area into the swamp into the sewage pool

Earlier, a source says someone on the network, inHangzhou West LakeYang Gongdi section found are standing in a water pipe, sewage directly into West Lake. As a world heritage site of West Lake, why let the dirty water into the?

26, the reporters came to the foul water place, indeed as a call, on-site stench again, forming a small pool of sewage is sewage water, slightly high place remnant black mud field a sewage precipitate formation, cedar grow on it.

It is understood, the network broke the news, Hangzhou West Lake Scenic Area Management Committee had to clean up the scene. However, the reporter found at the scene, the pipeline length about 10 cm in diameter, inner flowing black wastewater, sewage pipes from the field of view, some of the old Shenyang, seems to have been some years. The volume of sewage outfall discharge is not small, muddy water has made the fir trees become "swamp".

In the "swamp" filling, water will diffuse to West Lake, close to the "swamp" West Lake water has obvious dulling.

West Lake is the pride of Hangzhou, is the world'sTravelingResort, after the local government of Hangzhou's efforts, West Lake has become the world heritage. So important to West Lake, why sewage discharge?

Reporters on the scene were visited, some people are carefully conceal mentioning. A reluctance to disclose the names of the sanitation workers told reporters, after the Spring Festival, here has been the stench of sewage discharge, the pipeline may be derived from the vicinity of a sanatorium.

����Functional departments to push the responsibility of sewage pipe without main black pipe

Reporters in the confirmation of sewage discharge source to the West Lake Scenic Area Management Committee, the other told Hangzhou water group may be more clear. In this regard, responsible for Hangzhou city's underground sewage pipe network maintenance of Hangzhou Water Group Assistant Production Manager Wang Qing no positive response to pollution sources, but said that may be because "underground sewage overflow".

Wang Qing also told reporters, after the rest of West Lake and includes sewage well, once had sewage spillover phenomenon ", because of the rain, so although made up, but the point is still possible spillover phenomenon."

Reporters from the scene, Yang Gongdi sewage is discharged directly through the pipeline, rather than spillovers Wang Qing said.

Let the overflow of sewage flows to West Lake? Even the laying of pipelines to flow to West Lake? Hangzhou West Lake Scenic Area Management Committee of the relevant responsible person said, the underground sewage pipe network by the Water Service Company management. But Wang Qing denied, Water Service Company did not laying the tube, do not assume the maintenance responsibility.

Although many times to the two party verification, but both sides said that was not clear, to the West Lake sewage pipes and therefore has become ownerless "black pipe", and continue to discharge the stench of sewage to West Lake.

People said, water is mostly from the scenic areas within the hotel and guesthouse. Wang Qing said, because of rapid development of tourism, water West Lake scenic area has exceeded the sewage system of the lifting capacity.

����Sewage pipe network design is induced by long-term "overload" historical issues a mayor

According to local media reports, West Lake is located in the Yang Gongdi West, a manhole or perennial out sewage directly into the West Lake River, the tortoise and the lake. Local people said, I's sewage into the tortoise pond for quite a few years.

Wang Qing said, because of rapid development of tourism, the sewage pipe network in West Lake scenic area has been in full load operation, especially in West Lake, Yang Gongdi low-lying, so prone to overflow phenomenon.

Wang Qing said Yang Gongdi underground sewage system was built in 2003, "did not consider the development of peripheral industries, resulting in subsequent years the tourism industry system has been in full load operation, West Lake Yang Gongdi low-lying, so prone to overflow phenomenon." Wang Qing thinks, big development of industry, the system load has been unable to meet the current amount of sewage.

Reportedly, the relevant departments in the construction of Yang Gongdi section of the underground sewage pipe network system, designed 2 pumping station with a spare pump, each pump capacity is 150 cubic meters / hour, but because the sewage volume is too large, "backup also used up, in violation of the original design of the case, every hour run a 450 cubic meters per hour, has a full load operation." Wang Qing said.

And in addition to pumping stations, Yang Gongdi underground sewage pipeline is full load operation. Say according to Wang Qing, the normal sewage pipes should expose the chute, the drainage peak is filled with "full pipe run".

Local media reported that, in 2012 June 12345, Hangzhou city mayor public telephone service center planning, environmental protection, urban management have been called, water, the West Lake scenic area, West Lake street and other units, hope that the relevant departments handling opinions put forward as soon as possible.

More than half a year has passed, the sewage problem has not been resolved, West Lake still has "swallow" the stench of sewage.

At present, the sewage treatment department, they will soon usher in the rainy season.

Wang Qing tells a reporter, at present West Lake area Yang Gongdi segment also did not achieve the rain sewage diversion, this should be discharged to the nearby river water through the rain water, the sewage into the system through minimum pitted, bringing enormous pressure to the sewage system.

According to past experience, the rainy season comes, area of low-lying areas, often appear the phenomenon of sewage overflow.

In order to prevent the overflow of sewage sewage well cover up the road accident, water department work is each cover play the big hole, let the sewage outflow.

Usually, the water sector often use water free period of night, the sewage drain pipe, assurance in 9:00-15:00 peak to accommodate as many sewage.

It is understood, Hangzhou city departments are rebuilding West Lake's underground sewage treatment system in pumping station, sewage flows through the adjustment direction, after the completion of West Lake, Yang Gongdi section of the underground water load pressure may reduce.

As of press time, sewage straight row of West Lake still did not stop. (source:

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