Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Shanghai 1 International Important Bird Areas for reclamation disappear

At the end of the last century, through to reclaim land from the sea, in the south of East China Sea Bridge north to the Pudong border stretches more than 50 kilometers of sea reclamation dam, forming a piece of 150000 acres of beach, washed by rain, beach gradually evolved into the reeds, the migratory flocks of wetland. 2006-2008 years, the area of 249 species were recorded in 2008, by BirdLife International as an important bird area international.

One side is the quiet surface of the water, lush reed, a quiet foraging egrets; one side is dry cracked wetland, reclamation and land, I see two or three birds -- stone Peeler in Pudong Nanhui Dongtan sanctuaries (homonym) field monitoring station on both sides of the road, for the birds are like two World Health and die.

At present, theShanghaiThe first wild animal sanctuary -- the core attraction region of Nanhui Dongtan wild animal sanctuary is facing the fate of being reclaimed, Shanghai love birds are migratory birds to retain this life "transfer station" and campaigning.

However, the Post reporter yesterday from Shanghai city development and construction of Port Area Management Committee and the Shanghai Lingang New City Land Reserve Center was informed that the nature of the plots, and the original planning is the main area of construction land, land from the beginning of this year, clean up after reclamation, and reclamation is only temporary land management measures -- in the long run, the plot or will do the construction development.

Ma Zhijun of associate professor of College of life science of Fudan University said, although after wetland reclamation, not see the tragic scenes, plots of migratory birds die but, number of migratory birds are sure to fall. How to find in the ecological protection and city construction in an equilibrium point is a urgent problem to be solved.

��Have been listed as an important bird area international

According to the results of the survey, 2006-2008 years, this region were recorded 249 bird species, number of this record to the egret, Sanderling exceeded the number of the world's population of 1%, has reached the international important wetland standard, 2008 by BirdLife International as an important bird area international.

On the map, Nanhui Dongtan sanctuary in the east coast of Shanghai the convex corner, located on the Pacific flyway. Every year, tens of thousands of migratory birds are in after a long journey, have a rest here.

"A bird had to take this picture, a flock of birds flying in from the sea, there are unable to hold oneself back immediately to foraging, and one or two of them fell on the ground and never climb up, if there is no foraging place, that the birds could no longer stand up." Shanghai wild bird society member Kang Hongli says pessimistically.

Kang Hongli put the land vividly called "bird life station", when the sea flying birds, fatigue to polar stay down, whether there is a rich food and quiet enough habitat, determines whether they can once again set foot on the journey "".

In December 3rd, walking in the core attraction region of Nanhui Dongtan sanctuary wood path along the cliff, there is a dry land, because the drained water, land was torn open a crack, only a few shrimp body has been dried, scattered reeds swaying alone. Going forward, the distance is a piece of reclamation and land, and land was digging drainage, someone in a ditch on the cage catching some fish and shrimps, even in the distance to see two or three birds, are difficult to see the large birds.

Pudong New Area wildlife protection station of Ni Master said, in 2008, there are plenty of reed and waterfowl waterfowl, this here is 2/3 less compared to the same period last year, basically no bird, because there is no food, the bare land no occlusion, birds no longer.

There are three land reclamation workers, the way they say, from 10 at the end of the 11 month began to land, has a rape and beans, about 2000 acres, and some also have reclamation.

It is understood, Nanhui Dongtan wetland, and by the sea, at the end of the last century, through to reclaim land from the sea, in the south to the East China Sea Bridge, north to the Pudong border stretches more than 50 kilometers around the sea dike, slowly formed a piece of about 150000 acres of beach, washed by rain, more than one hundred thousand acres of beach gradually evolved into reedy, the migratory flocks of wetlands, and a dike, is boundless, surging waves of the sea.

According to the results of the survey, 2006-2008 years, this region were recorded 249 bird species, number of this record to the egret, Sanderling exceeded the number of the world's population of 1%, has reached the international important wetland standard, 2008 by BirdLife International as an important bird area international.

In 2009, 10 wetland areas related to personnel protected wildlife management station organization in Shanghai city of Shanghai is the aggregation of waterbirds launched 16 synchronous investigation, from the distribution of bird species, the highest Nanhui Dongtan wild animal sanctuary, 92.

��Sanctuary can be used for city construction

Pudong concerned forestry station said, the difference of Chongming Dongtan and Nanhui Dongtan is, Chongming is the "National Nature Reserve", Pudong Nanhui Dongtan is "sanctuary", the former of every inch of land shall be protected by law, shall not be used for city construction, the latter, the land can be used for City construction.

In 2007 September, the establishment of Shanghai city the first wild animal sanctuary -- Nanhui Dongtan wild animal sanctuary, Nanhui Dongtan migratory birds sanctuary is located in East AsiaAustraliaMigration route for migratory birds, is an important transit north to South station. Area of vast shoals, rich and lush plants, food, for the birds to create an ideal habitat for migratory birds, has become an important transit stopover and wintering habitat, foraging. However, sanctuary "identity" is difficult to migratory birds "build" a safe "home".

According to regulations, the wild animal sanctuary, means Nanhui migratory bird habitat range, as long as there is a wild animal habitat, stop, reproduction and activity area, are forbidden to hunt the wild animal, the establishment of sanctuaries for the protection of wild animal resource management in the region to ensure the legal laws and regulations, it is difficult to change the nature of land.

Pudong concerned forestry station said, the difference of Chongming Dongtan and Nanhui Dongtan is, Chongming is the "National Nature Reserve", Pudong Nanhui Dongtan is "sanctuary", the former of every inch of land shall be protected by law, shall not be used for city construction, the latter, the land can be used for City construction.

Shanghai city development and construction of port area management committee responsible person said, the land itself is the nature of city construction land, decided early in 2003, Lingang New City overall planning. This year, Shanghai authorities require port land reserve center "undisturbed" recovery, can not let the idle land shortage, the kinds of crops, so the ecological environment must be better than the original, the original some retail dig pound engage in farming, confusion.

The people of Shanghai Lingang New City Land Reserve Center also said, as early as in the "sanctuary" before, in the overall planning of the port in the nature of the land, is the main area of construction land. In 2008, the East Beach drainage function is not good, more water, the water level high, not suitable for farming, so the land has not been utilized. This year, ready to clean up after the first land reclamation, and reclamation is only temporary land management measures. From long-term look, or to be used for construction of urban area. In general, is integrated to recover, unified construction.

����Experts suggest that leave some for migratory birds

Associate professor Ma Zhijun of Fudan University said, how to find a balance between economic benefit and ecological benefit, is a feasible, is also an urgent need to solve the problem, for example, whether in the development of 5000 acres of land, 1000 acres of land for the birds to retain.

According to the Shanghai wild birds will provide information, along with the change of bird habitat, Nanhui Dongtan Birds of paradise and the situation was worse, according to the water birds in Nanhui area, 3 years, no big changes in bird species, but the number fell by more than half in 2006, recording, recorded 5.7 thousand times, 2007 down to more than 3.8 times, continued to decline in 2008 to more than 2.5 times.

The main causes of serious decline in number of birds is blowing sand project is completed, the water has been pumped dry, flat land, a lot of terrestrial plants start growing, birds can't find suitable habitat and food, directly cause the decrease of the number of birds.

Associate professor Ma Zhijun of the Fudan University said, as the love birds, bird protection of birds, the people, certainly hope habitat more better. Nanhui Dongtan migratory waterfowl more birds, as energy supply, if rice and other food crops will influence on waterfowl. Although reclamation, won't see many birds shocking death scene, however, the number of birds will drop. Not to say that these birds in Nanhui Dongtan, the number will be somewhere else birds may increase, these birds died in the migration will.

Ma Zhijun said the city, in the construction process, to do the ecological protection of rights and interests, we must include the protection of habitats. How to find a balance between economic benefit and ecological benefit, is a feasible, is also an urgent need to solve the problem, for example, whether in the development of 5000 acres of land, for the birds to retain 1000 acres of land, effectively balance the interests of both sides is the method to solve the root of the problem.

In December 3rd, the Post reporter to leave the Nanhui Dongtan wetland, wetland depths, found twenty or thirty egrets feeding quietly in the water, but do not know the coming year, these egrets can find their way "home". (the Post reporter Yu dream)

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