Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Imperial Palace closed on Monday for a staff do not have a holiday

In January 7th, at one thirty in the afternoon,The Imperial PalaceThe gate of Devine might. Usually tourists crowded export suddenly become desolate, even around the souvenir vendors also strangely disappeared. And in the morning, the the Imperial Palace off the last batch of visitors, a total of more than 4300 people.

The staff off the Imperial Palace gate entrance. Xinhua News Agency reporter Jin Liang perturbationThe staff off the Imperial Palace gate entrance. Xinhua News Agency reporter Jin Liang perturbation

Starting from today, the Imperial Palace Museum first trialTravelingOff-season closed on Monday for a long time, until the end of March 31st.

Why would a long time? During the closed staff will do? President Dan Jixiang himself as a "tour guide".

In the control room, is the nerve center of the Imperial Palace safety protection work. This is after the 2011 the Imperial Palace theft, in the control room debut in front of the media. 140 square meters room, a piece of 14 x 5 meters large screen particularly eye-catching, a look at carefully, it consists of 65 small screen, monitor the the Imperial Palace all open and not open area.

"Here is the 24 hour monitoring. Normal opening hours, the alarm device is in operation, and the tourists. Then in a full range." Security department director Li Xiaocheng said, "at present the security system upgrade has completed 75%." At present, the the Imperial Palace has installed more than 1500 camera, more than 4500, more than 1 fire detector alarm device. But Li Xiaocheng thought not, upgrade the next round has been put on the agenda. Because, "in the pursuit of security, can not put things right once and for all."

The alarm suddenly sounded, let a person fear. But see the screen, a cat is be happy and pleased with oneself from the hall of happiness and longevity through, accidentally touching alarm device. "It can be said, an eagle flew in from the Imperial Palace we can monitor." Li Xiaocheng said.

Mandarin temple the Imperial Palace Ceramic Exhibition hall. The staff is to remove dust, showcase lighting line repair and smoke alarm detection work. In the opening period, they can not be so that the overall system inspection, only some local small gaps through overtime, easy to stay hidden.

When the staff will contain a touch of smoke smoke alarm, automatic alarm device brightened up immediately. Smoke gun away, device and returned to normal. "If there is a condition, in the control room will immediately start the emergency plan, fire officers will arrive in 3 minutes. The detection of at least two or three times a year in all buildings." Li Xiaocheng introduced.

Mandarin Temple behind, is the famous Wenyuan pavilion. Wenyuange sit north of the south, imitationZhejiangNingboThe construction of Tianyi Pavilion. The upper and lower two layers of the house, the green brick masonry to the roof, black glazed tile roof, green glazed tile cutting edge, meaning black main water, water pressure to fire, to preserve the security of library. Before the court at one side of the pool, into the Jinshui River, is the fire of italy. The Palace Library was built in 1776, is still not open, the staff is doing repair work related, ready for the 2013 public within open.

At four thirty in the afternoon, in the past is ready to begin clearing time, person in charge of propaganda department is to guide training, "if one day, do a lot of work will be more calm."

This day, the Imperial Palace seems to have "breathing" opportunity, but the staff did not idle.

In 2012, it is safe in the the Imperial Palace, but still the danger: circuit aging on fire, "7 �� 21" part of the roof leak rain, thunder split dead trees...... It can be said that the Imperial Palace has been in the "sick", closed for maintenance is it a complete physical examination and treatment.

The Imperial Palace is really too tired: in 2012, the season single-day passenger flow to break through 180000 person-time, year exceeded 15000000 passengers. And scientific data display, the the Imperial Palace one day capacity should be the normal 30000 person-time. "China's World Heritage overload is almost normal. In fact, the ancient relics will need time to repair and debug, selected in the off-season trial closed half-day it is out of this consideration." Dan Jixiang said. (reporter Yang Xuemei)

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