Wednesday, March 13, 2013

To Hongkong for "sugar": Hong Kong-style dessert attract mainland tourists

In recent years, along with theHongkongAnd the mainland are closely linked, Hong Kong-style dessert attract more and more mainland tourists are attracted to. Search Hongkong dessert on the Internet, half a second to find more than 4000000 results, many of which are detailed free food.

Because of the reason of soil and water, south of the Five Ridges has "drink syrup" moist refreshing or warm tonic traditional. Cantonese in the context of "sugar", refers to the original sweet brown sugar water, sesame paste, mainly to the traditional hot food ingredients. And now Hongkong dessert, absorbed the western ways, ingredients into the fruit and cream, frozen.

"Hongkong dessert shop the biggest characteristic is the combination of Chinese and western",TongluowanLane a dessert shop boss Cong sister-in-law took the menu, "for example, double-layer steamed milk is a traditional hot water, but the addition of mango and Pudding Ice, look into the classic Hong Kong-style dessert popular."

Tongluowan dessert shop is third dessert shop Cong's, the other two in Kowloon Tseung Kwan O. Every morning, she and the man from the airport back.ThailandThe fruit made of semi-finished products, together with other materials to the store. When the door open at twelve thirty, often have begun to have guests in the waiting.

"Tongluowan shops and Tseung Kwan O store different", Cong sister-in-law said, "the guests around the neighborhood, and Tongluowan mainly to work near the white-collar workers and tourists."

According to Cushman & Wakefield released figures show, Tongluowan beatThe United States of AmericaNew YorkDominance of Fifth Avenue in Manhattan for 11 years, has become a global retail shops rent the highest area, per square foot (1 square feet of about 0.093 square meters) a year the average rent of $2630.

Not easy to set up shop in such "Jingui" neighborhoods, to take hundreds of thousands of dollars each month's rent.'. "Fortunately, the business is good," she said. Cong sister-in-law thinks, cause of Hong Kong-style dessert fame, more important is willing to spend a great cost on raw materials, "us all know, a bowl of mango lotion may be grinding into 3 big mango, a bowl of almond and walnut paste may be hand grinding an hour of nuts, only in this way can we guarantee dessert quality, keep the guests of the stomach." (Lu Zhe)

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