Wednesday, March 13, 2013

West Lake visitors for pleasure abuse Wild Squirrels lethal

Miss Yao isHangzhouCityWest LakeA staff member of the cruise company, 4 the day before yesterday afternoon, her work "Mei Cha" 1 cruise ship docked in the park two cruise ship docks, facing a camphor tree on the sidewalk. Standing on the bow position Miss Yao, accidentally saw her grief and indignation:

Camphor tree, a middle-aged man stepped into the fence, was shot the peanut are eating tree squirrels patted down on the ground, feet in its body, the squirrel struggled after the jump on the tree, but eventually because of injury is too heavy and hard landing, lay still......

��The man stepped into the fence

Patted down a squirrel on the tail.

The accident occurred around the tree camphor tree, is one of the designated lakeside administration squirrel feeding point. Call 1 cruise No. two Park cruise terminal, 2 meters away from here.

Miss Yao is about 1.65 meters tall, short hair, smooth and clean. 4 pm yesterday, has just landed. Cruise she immediately came to the camphor tree, etc. for a long time no see squirrels shadow, very lost her whisper a sentence: "you see, here a squirrel is gone, before this point in time, they all come out to feed, is certainly frightened out of yesterday, today."

It happened in the March 5th 16:10, Miss Yao said, she was just standing on the bow, the incident can be crystal clear.

She said, beat down a man about 45 years of age, men with her almost high, foreign accent, wearing a Dark Beige suit. A man was standing there was a plump woman, should be the man's wife, the man begins, she is happily eating a corn cob.

"At that time the camphor tree is only a squirrel, it looked to climb up in the main trunk half of the seats, is undivided attention eating tourists to feed its peanut." Miss Yao said, suddenly, the man quickly jumped into the enclosure, his left hand toward the front of the squirrel away. The squirrel was dumped in the men's feet, men hurriedly feet "firmly" trample squirrel.

"Connection in his left foot trample the squirrel's tail and buttocks, right foot in the squirrel's whole tail, while on the side is pleased to shouting 'caught! Grasp. At the same time, the wife of the man laughed too.

����The squirrel jumped on the tree after the break

But because of injury is too heavy and down

See this scene, Miss Yao said he totally freaked out.

"Laughing, as the man bent down to catch a squirrel, is about foot loosened, squirrel took the opportunity to escape, jumped into the man's left shoulder." Miss Yao said, squirrels jump up again panic with the couple, their laughter attracted a lot of people.

The squirrel in the men's left shoulder after a moment, and then jump, jump to the camphor tree branches on the edge of a meter high, and still stay.

"I was anxious, and quickly ran to see, its eyes somehow have been closed. After about a minute, the branches up to another squirrel, or frightened, the wounded squirrel unexpectedly fell down from the tree." Miss Yao said, squirrels and fell on the ground and then never again, this couple also subsequently left.

But more let Miss Yao did not think of is, the surrounding some children see squirrels do not move, he would have been picked up the fence stone hit it, until the parents stop.

There is a kind-hearted aunt the crowd, saw the squirrel not long after, into a low fence, walked to the squirrel side, want to use hand to put it back on the tree, but the squirrels never move......

Miss Yao said, his first one in the boat, but there have been visitors boarding, so don't go away, then a colleague aboard, she can get to the camphor tree watching squirrels. Because there is no time to stop the man's behavior, she these two days have been very guilty, sad.

��Lovely squirrel encounter so unpredictable

Netizens have condemned man hurt squirrel

The day of the incident, Miss Yao will squirrel encounter on the Internet, the micro-blog causes heat to discuss on the net, at nine thirty last night, has been forwarded 2778 comment 627, everybody condemned to hurt the squirrel man.

@Yingzhiiiiiiiiii: poor squirrel. China should also be established animal protection law, these people should be arrested. No quality, really terrible!

@Cecilia- "S" sauce: like the city of Hangzhou, I also help them photographed, is really very cute, do not expect such a fate, the person should be arrested!

@zhangaif: the man is mad? The squirrel is cute, or a landscape of Hangzhou, this man is really speechless was.

Yesterday, Hangzhou City Tourism Council also repeating two micro-blog, urged the public to tourists with love West Lake side of the little squirrel:

"Tourists feeding squirrels in West Lake is also one of the most scenic side of love, please love them like love West Lake!"

"The West Lake side of the squirrel feeding point already exists for several years, the squirrels may appear in your me his camera, there are a lot of tourists is full of memories of love, a beautiful landscape and the city! Again ask you take good care of them!"

�� the scene

The trust West Lake squirrel or not

Like the hands together to eat

Yesterday evening, two park is still crowded, park on the edge of the camphor tree, there are many squirrels jumping lively figure.

There's a squirrel on the tourists around under the trees, people like to star, standing on the fence, holding the hands of all kinds of camera and mobile phone, catching squirrels Hantaikeju every act and every move. I squatted down body, holding the hand not far from it, but it doesn't prevent, just concentrate on the eating of visitors to its peanut and peel the oranges.

Uncle Li skillfully solve people carrying the green environmental protection bag, took out two egg size of kiwifruit from inside into the squirrel side, "my house is on the side, every day I will feed them, already 5 years, now they mouth becomes small, like to eat kiwi fruit."

Two Park sanitation master Chiang uncle, has 5 years of work here. According to estimation of Chiang uncle, now fixed living in two Park squirrels have nearly a hundred, more than two 5 years ago.

"The squirrels are wild, the beginning is very shy, don't love with the people close to strangers, feed them, always run far." At that time, only the familiar face of Chiang uncle horse, the squirrels would "sell" a face to him to eat.

Chiang uncle said, with the West Lake side tourists increased, people are friendly and close to nature, the squirrel is gradually changed, "many squirrels also like to eat together in the palm."

These years, Chiang uncle never met someone deliberately hurt squirrel. "In March 5th the scene I did not see, but about 20 days ago, I was in the park six sweep to a dead squirrel. Death is quite strange, and no trauma."

Week elder sister in West Lake while sweeping the floor for 15 years, spent liulangwenying huagangguanyu, also stayed, is now in the two park. In her impression, West Lake side of each destination has a squirrel, but few Park squirrels most loved ones, the most afraid of life.

�� statement

Lake Management office:

Two Park squirrels are wild

No management

Net friend Mr. Han has engaged in years of pet sales, he saw Miss Yao micro-blog figure fell to the ground squirrel is a typicalMount HuangshanThe squirrel. Mount Huangshan squirrels breeding period around April each year to September, general breed once a year, each time the reproduction number not much, much as 2~5 only.

Two Park Mount Huangshan squirrel, not responsible for the management of which department?

Comprehensive management department lakeside administration Jiang section chief says, the park squirrels are wild, they spontaneously gathered here, there is no department for special management, no special feeding.

"In 2009 March, Cory found that gathered in the West Lake side of the squirrel is more and more, in the two parks and five Park, the selection of the two space larger areas of the establishment of a 'squirrel feeding point'." Jiang section chief says, the purpose is to focus the tourists uniform feeding on squirrels, clean and convenient shell waste.

Jiang chief said, had never heard of tourists malicious damage squirrel.

West Lake in addition to the squirrel, also home to hundreds of species of wild birds, in recent years, whether they experienced people or tourists malicious damage?

We ask the love birds Association Zhu, he engaged in wild birds on West Lake side of the more than 10 years. Zhu recalled, the last discovered malicious harm birds in 2009, these years with the animal consciousness gradually improve, has rarely hear malicious damage animal thing.

�� relevant, regulations

According to the December 19, 2003 through the "Hangzhou West Lake scenic area management regulations" provisions of article twenty-seventh, fourth points, prohibited in scenic areas to hunt wild animal or unauthorized fishing of aquatic animals and plants.

The fifty-fourth said, making the punishment in violation of the provisions of article twenty-seventh fourth points, will confiscate the hunting tools, prey and illegal income, and may impose a fine of five hundred yuan of above two thousand yuan of the following. (source:

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