Saturday, March 16, 2013

Yunnan: Shangri-La in dream land of idyllic beauty


The word "Shangri-la", from "Lost Horizon" of a book. Here are the holy snow-capped mountains, deep canyons, broad pastures, clear lake. She is the legendary lost horizon, people dream of the land of idyllic beauty, incomparable.Shangri-La.

On the plateau of transportationOn the plateau of transportation

Go to theMeili Xue ShanThrough the shangri-la. Travel for third days, we went to the Shangri-La County, 3300 meters above sea level. Start from here, is Tibetan.

White PagodaWhite Pagoda

The ancient city of Shangri-La is the initial term "alone grams pope". Tang Yifeng, Lu for years (AD 676-679 years), Tubo here in the big turtle mountain set up fortress, "alone grams pope".

The ancient city ofThe ancient city of

"Alone" in the Tibetan language meaning is white, a symbol of the moon; "Zong" for the castle, the acceptability of "Moonlight city".

����Image source: Sina BloggerBubble fish

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