Saturday, March 16, 2013

Hainan tourism car accident 12 tourists were injured guide dying

����HainanSea steam groupTravelingPassenger transport company and Hainan coconut HuiTravelingCompany Limited relevant responsible person confirmed to reporters, the same day at noon in Hainan East high-speed car travel car drivers have been controlled by the police, the tour guide seriously injured dying, twelve people were injured passengers have been arranged for hospitalization treatment in the people's Hospital of Qionghai city.

19 days 13 when make, a sea tourism zhongbache Joan C90P39 fromSanyaBound forHaikou, traveling to the territory of the highway east of Hainan Qionghai City 82 kilometers, collided with the front of a heavy lorry Joan A27212 rear-end, induced tourism zhongbache driving scrap deformation, the scene is injured. At thirteen twenty PM, Qionghai city traffic police and fire officers and soldiers arrived at the scene of the accident.

19 afternoon, the reporter saw the injured passengers in hospital in Qionghai City People's hospital trauma and surgical building, mostly emotional stability. Come fromBeijingAndNingboThe two Miss Chen, in traumatology department of No. 30 and No. 31 hospital beds, two people were divided into different degrees of skin injury. "We were sitting in the car to the second row, the body is full of be windshield glass." From Beijing Miss Chen, the side with the mobile phone to their families safe, side told reporters. From Ningbo Miss Chen said, her boyfriend went together waist injury, already in the other department for treatment.

Hainan Yehui travel reception Management Center Deputy Director Liu car in the hospital told reporters, after the accident, they have composed of four people he went working group, with sea steam group tourism passenger branch in the hospital, for the injured passengers in hospital to provide twenty-four hour service. "This tour group a total of 11 adults and 1 children, they are from Beijing,Shanghai, Ningbo,Qingdao,TaiyuanEtc.." The car said, this group has ended the tour, today (19 days) to return to Haikou, prepare for 20 days to send visitors to Islands Haikou Meilan Airport.

The car said, seriously injured guide surname plexus,JilinMan, this year 22 years old, 2010 engaged in guide work, "has informed the tour guide families, they arrived in Hainan tomorrow can visit."

Deputy general manager of the Hainan sea steam group passenger travel, Han Hong expresses to the reporter, after the accident, the company immediately launched the emergency plan, Qionghai branch, Haikou branch and Wanning jizhadui related staff rushed to the scene of the accident the first time, "all the passengers have been properly resettled, because most of the passengers were injured clothes stain of blood, we will provide each tourists to buy a set of Hainan Island." Han Hong said, no matter how much the price, or to the island for help medical experts, is to rescue the injured guide life.

That evening 19 when make, injured guide has been transferred to the ICU ward. The relevant treatment according to the doctor, Cong guide has stopped breathing, only faint heartbeat, hands have purple.

Qionghai Municipal Tourism Commission relevant responsible person said, according to the investigation, the tour for legal normal group, guide posts, coach for normal send car.

At present, the police are investigating the cause of the accident. (Fu Meibin Zhou Zhenggang) (Fu Meibin Zhou Zhenggang)

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